Classes for everyone

What is Tae Kwon-Do?

Tae Kwon-Do is the Korean martial art focused on self-defence. Training in Tae Kwon-Do can enhance your fitness, self-esteem, confidence, situational awareness, flexibility, and coordination. From your very first lesson, you will begin to develop a new set of skills and experience a sense of personal achievement. Our main classes are designed for families and are suitable for children and adults of all genders.

What will Tae Kwon-Do do for YOU?


A lot of children lack self-confidence. This can be due to many reasons.

Training in Tae Kwon-Do is a great way of instilling confidence into children and at the same time emphasising the importance of respect and discipline.

As a result of the fast and exciting nature of Tae Kwon-Do there are thousands of children participating in the UK.


More and more women are turning to martial arts in order to protect themselves from an increasingly violent world.

Tae Kwon-Do is a superb form of self defence and also a great way to get in shape.

It is safe, practical and most of all, enjoyable.


Tae Kwon-Do will improve your fitness, flexibility and most of all, your confidence.

It will help to control and channel your aggression should the need arise.

Right from the first lesson you will start developing a whole new range of skills and capabilities with the opportunity to realise self achievement.

About us

Watford Tae Kwon-Do is a new school formed as part of the TAGB (Taekwondo Association of Great Britain).

Instruction is always given by Sarah Crawford and Don Dunne.

Sarah is currently a 3rd degree black belt with the TAGB and has been training since June 2011. She earned her black belt in October 2015.

Don is currently a 1st degree black belt with the TAGB who has been training since ********. He earned his black belt in October ****.

Sarah and Don are qualified as professional 

Tae Kwon-Do instructors with the TAGB and BTC.

This means that they have professional indemnity insurance, are DBS checked, have an Emergency First Aid qualification and are trained in safeguarding.

Sarah and Don both continue to train to train at least twice a week to further develop their skills and ensure that techniques used are up to date.

They are also qualified umpires with the TAGB and attend many of the tournaments held by the TAGB throughout the year.

Talk to us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your business, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you.